You are on the right path

Not fitting in a box

As I sit down to share my journey with you, I’m filled with a sense of gratitude for the twists and turns that led me here. For over two decades, I’ve been navigating the world as a freelancer solopreneur, dancing to the beat of my own drum and relishing the freedom it afforded me. But like many of you, I found myself at a crossroads when peri-menopause came knocking at my door.

The muddy waters of menopause 

I vividly remember the feeling of being lost in what I call the "muddy water stage". It's that phase where you know you're done with your old life, but the path to the new one remains hidden in the fog. 

 At 47, with decades of entrepreneurial experience under my belt, I craved nothing more than the assurance that I was on the right path. Yet, self-doubt gripped me with such intensity that I felt paralyzed by it, spinning in circles and yearning for someone to tell me that everything would be okay.

Human Design changed everything 

It was during this tumultuous period that I stumbled upon Human Design. Serendipity, perhaps, but it felt like the universe was gently nudging me toward a revelation that had been waiting patiently for my arrival. Three encounters with Human Design in a single week left me intrigued, and my first reading felt like coming home after a long journey. For the first time in my life, I was granted permission to be unapologetically me.

Human Design, for those unfamiliar, is not just a tool; it's pure magic. It's the mirror that reflects back the essence of who we are, illuminating the unique blueprint that has been within us all along. It's about trusting ourselves, honoring our innate wisdom, and embracing the full spectrum of our being.

 Get your blueprint to a business you love

Now, after immersing myself in the wisdom of Human Design for over five years, I stand before you ready to share this transformative journey. As a first step towards unlocking your inner magic, I invite you to visit my website and claim your chart along with a complimentary report detailing your unique blueprint. 

And if you're hungry for more, use the code SHINEYOURLIGHT to access your full written blueprint for just 37 €.

The path to self-discovery is one of endless possibilities, and I'm honored to walk alongside you as you embark on this empowering journey.

Add a spark to your multipassionate business

and check out the easy and beautiful shifts happening

in  the SPARK series here.

more sparkle please